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Astra’s culture is one of respect, kindness, gratitude and being part of a community.
Please follow our etiquette guidelines.


Wash your uniform regularly and keep it clean and neat.

Sign in before each class, using our app. This is important for tracking attendance for progress and grading as well as safety.

Wear your belt at all times when training. If it becomes loose or comes off, tie it back on quickly and face the back of class to do so. If you cannot yet tie your belt (we understand that it takes practice!), put up your hand to ask a Coach for help.


Bow before stepping on and off the training area. 

We expect kids to pack and bring their own training equipment (uniform, belt, drink bottle, gloves, target, and training card). While we understand that parents may need to assist as is age-appropriate, all Paladins should take responsibility for their own gear.

Place your gear within easy reach of class and get it quickly when asked. Be respectful of other people’s gear too.

When handing gear to someone, use two hands, and bow. This shows our respect for the training the gear lets us do, as well as the time, effort into the design and manufacture of the item and the carbon emissions it’s taken to get to us.

Parents - please drop off and pick up your child/ren off inside our venue. The Arts Centre is publically accessible and there is a road nearby. Please drop off and pick up your child inside the Dance Studio.


Say “Yes Coach” when a Coach gives an instruction or question, and say please and thank you to everyone.

Before and after sparring or grappling a new partner, give a courtesy bow or slap bump.

When sparring or grappling, keep an eye on who is near you and move. Junior belts are expected to move to make distance.

Do not comment on others belt progression or performance. Grading to the next rank are the sole discretion of Coaches and Grading Panel. Everyone is on their own journey, so focus on your own learning and celebrate with others when they achieve their goals.


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